Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Privileges of Religion for Health

There were many requirements and researches, telling that benefit of religion health of the person. Before to show, what those privileges, inform us at first, what religion. According to Tsitseronu, the religion has arrived from a word ' relegare ' that means to pass again and to read again. ' Re ' means again while means ' legere ' read. However, modern writers and ancient authors have connected religion of a word with ' religare ' that means to connect quickly or to unite. Taking it from a word origin, the religion means to connect itself or to meet the definitive founder, God.
 Many doctors believe that health not simply means one only a physical body, but also and involves mind and spirit. There were the numerous researches offering that religious people have recovered better, had longer life and, less possibly, have been suppressed. As the religion involves belief that someone foresees, gives things to people, the person who belongs to religion, tends to believe that it to cure, when the patient and it will survive when is thrown down a challenge. The religion benefits intellectual health in way which it improves intellectual well-being of the person. Experts say that if you really trust in the belief then concerning what you prayed, will most possibly be carried out. There were also cases that the belief of the person has helped it to struggle with illness and to recover again which they name psychological effect in the person.
 The religion benefits relations also. As it involves mixing with other people, the religion increases social aspect, and it gives to the person many positive effects. Researches show that when the person eats with friends, he, most possibly, will feel full and happy. Support from friends also helps the patient to recover, or the suppressed person feel better. Physical contacts as embraces can help with healing of the person also. Physical contacts stimulate nerves of signals of a parcel of a body to a brain; then the brain makes serotonin, the natural energizer of a body and also named ' a happy hormone.'
 Other privileges of religion for health involve behaviour as a good diet and abstention from alcohol and a cigarette. People who are surrounded by religious community also, have positive image of, sense of the purpose and growth. The religion benefits lonely people, also. When people have lost favourite or suffering of experience, they understand that out of their hands and that they should trust some situations to God. Besides, the religion gives a consolation and comfort to those in the requirement doing the person, stronger in a proceeding life.
 Religion - also life change. How many criminals have come back on their last and captured God? The religion also forms skill and creative potential through a prayer and music. Participation in choruses and other events increases skills of the person.
 The religion not only congregation which regularly carries out rituals or ceremonies but also both relations and community where people give and take, forgive and love, divide and raise. If you belong to religion, you can wish to involve yourselves shipped and involved to it because of many and sometimes inexplicable privileges of it to your health and a life.

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